Baptism Part 1 – Paedobaptism and Credobaptism

October 10, 2009


Two excellent resources containing dialogue between proponents of infant and believer’s baptism:

1. R.C. Sproul and John MacArthur:

A. The Case for Infant Baptism: The Historic Paedo-Baptist Position by R.C. Sproul. (MP3 download)

B. The Case for Believer’s Baptism: The Credo Baptist Position by John MacArthur. (MP3 download)

2. Pastor William Shishko and Dr. James White (debate):

MP3 Download: Part 1, Part 2

Was Jesus a Myth? Debate MP3

October 4, 2009

Apologetics 315 has the full MP3 Audio available for download of the September 26, 2009 debate between Dr. James White and Dan Barker on the topic Was Jesus a Myth? The audio’s sound quality could be better but it is definitely much better than were the soundness and quality of the arguments offered by Dan Barker.

During the debate, Mr. Barker misused quotes from Justin Martyr’s First Apology even though he admitted to having never read the work. Dr. White addressed this during the debate and recently added this video on You Tube providing more complete details about the misuse, abuse, and distortions of Justin Martyr’s writings.

Related: Repudiate the Book Dan Barker.

No Other Comment Needed

October 1, 2009

Rob Bell

Go Read

Phil Johnson on Heresies

September 30, 2009

phil johnson Heard any new heresies lately? I doubt it.


“It’s important for Christians to have a grasp of heresies that the church has battled over the centuries, because they often return with new clothing, and the unprepared Christian is likely to fall into these old pits. Phil does an excellent job of looking at some of the major heresies that are revisiting the church today: Socinianism, Arianism, Pelagianism, Gnosticism, and Judaizing. This is an excellent 6 part series that will shore up some weak points in the church today.”

The series is available at the GraceLife Pulpit web site or you can download each MP3 individually below.

  1. The Judaizers
  2. The Gnostics
  3. The Arians, #1
  4. The Arians, #2
  5. The Pelagians
  6. The Socinians

Albert Mohler on the Apostle’s Creed

September 30, 2009

mohler Dr. Albert Mohler’s 13 part sermon series on the Apostle’s Creed has been around for a couple of years. Nothing new here… but don’t move along too fast. Just as with the creed itself, this series is definitely worthy of thoughtful contemplation, of spending time with, and of being listened to again and again.

The series is available with other Chapel messages delivered by Dr. Mohler here or you can download each MP3 individually below.


  1. The Apostles Creed: Credo: I Believe
  2. The Apostles Creed: God the Father Almighty
  3. The Apostles Creed: Maker of Heaven and Earth
  4. The Apostles Creed: Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord
  5. The Apostles Creed: Conceived of the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary
  6. The Apostles Creed: Suffered Under Pontius Pilot
  7. The Apostles Creed: Was Crucified, Died, and Was Buried
  8. The Apostles Creed: He Ascended into Heaven and Sitteth on the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty
  9. The Apostles Creed: Whence He Shall Come to Judge the Living and the Dead
  10. The Apostles Creed: The Holy Spirit
  11. The Apostles Creed: The Holy Catholic Church and the Communion of the Saints
  12. The Apostles Creed: The Forgiveness of Sins
  13. The Apostles Creed: The Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting

John Calvin on Prayer

September 29, 2009

johncalvin“Prayer has not been instituted that we might arrogantly exalt ourselves before God, nor that we should extol our dignity, but so that we might admit our poverty, groaning like children telling their father about their troubles. Such a way of thinking should, rather be like a spur, moving us to pray even more.”

“There are two things which should really stir us up to pray: first of all, God’s directive which commands us to pray; and then the promise by which he assures us that we will receive what we ask.”

(John Calvin)

S. Lewis Johnson on Prayer

September 29, 2009

SLEWISJOHNSON In this 8 part series provided by the SLJ Institute, Dr. S. Lewis Johnson teaches on the theology of prayer in a way that is sadly, and unfortunately, lacking in many (so-called) churches today. Highly recommended for all Christians no matter their stage of spiritual maturity. Each lesson is available here or you can download each MP3 individually below.

  1. The Theology of Prayer: the Nature, Object and Grounds of Prayer
  2. Prayer and the Attributes, part I (Why Bother and Infinite, Omnipotent God of Love?)
  3. Prayer and the Attributes, part II (Does Prayer Change an Unchanging God?)
  4. Prayer and the Decrees
  5. The Problem of Unanswered Prayer, part I
  6. The Problem of Unanswered Prayer, part II
  7. The Necessity of Prayer
  8. Importunate Prayer

Repudiate the Book Dan Barker

September 27, 2009

If you don’t want to defend it and if you “may” have changed your mind, repudiate the book Dan Barker.

Related: The Most Unusual Event in All of My Debates Took Place Today

You Don’t Have to Pull a Trigger to be a Murderer

June 16, 2009


“But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.” (Matthew 5:22)

Prayer Not Prayed

June 14, 2009

martinlutherbook How many pray the Lord’s Prayer several thousand times in the course of a year, and if they were to keep on doing so for a thousand years they would not have tasted nor prayed one iota, one dot, of it!

In a word, the Lord’s Prayer is the greatest martyr on earth (as are the name and word of God). Everybody tortures and abuses it; few take comfort and joy in its proper use.

(Martin Luther)