Another Jihadist’s Business Card

November 14, 2009

jihadist's business card

What Man Means For Evil II

October 18, 2009

Big Brother is Watching

Back in January I posted this article about “China’s 50 Cent Army”. Now, according to some reports, the U.S. Justice Department is up to much the same thing.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is we now have more opportunity than ever before to share the Gospel…


…“Let’s say you live in China the U.S. Your every move is monitored. Big Brother is watching and you know it. You work for the Chinese U.S. government and your job is to infiltrate chat rooms, message boards, and comment areas on the Internet in order to spread propaganda.” (Read the Rest)

Chronicles of The Obamanation #3

June 7, 2009


Creepy Change: A chronicle of America’s continued descent into idolatry in the era of Barack Obama.

Number of Days in the Whitehouse: 138

“Obama is, we are above that now. We’re not just parochial, we’re not just chauvinistic, we’re not just provincial. We stand for something. I mean in a way, Obama is standing above the country, above the world, he’s sort of god. He’s going to bring all different sides together.” (Newsweek editor Evan Thomas on MSNBC, emphasis added)

(Note: Although Mr. Thomas’ use of the word God implied a capitol letter “G”, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.)

Red Envelope Day

March 1, 2009

Please help be a voice for hope and change by participating in Red Envelope Day on March 31st, 2009.

Red Envelope Project

…and please remember to pray for the President that his heart and mind will be changed about abortion.

Chronicles of The Obamanation #2

February 14, 2009

Creepy Change 

Obama Religion

Creepy Change: A chronicle of America’s continued descent into idolatry in the era of Barack Obama.

Number of Days in the Whitehouse: 25

Picture reportedly taken in the Children’s section of a Borders Bookstore in Dallas, Texas. Photo shopped? Display altered? Employee forgot to change the sign? Picture of things to come? Who knows but whatever the reason or motivation it seems to be an apt depiction of the new American era of religious confusion.

Presidential Confusion

February 5, 2009

“But no matter what we choose to believe, let us remember that there is no religion whose central tenet is hate. There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know.” (President Barack Obama, National Prayer Breakfast, February 5, 2009).

Mr. President, if God doesn’t condone taking the life of an innocent human being. Why do you?

Full text of President Obama’s comments at the National Prayer Breakfast here.

Chronicles of The Obamanation #1

January 24, 2009

Obama Creepy Change

Creepy Change: A chronicle of America’s continued descent into idolatry in the era of Barack Obama.


Number of Days in the Whitehouse: 4


1. Triumphal entry of the Obama Idol

2. Pledge to be Obama’s Servant